sekadar renungan..
untuk keinsafan

jaketbiru remind me of from where i came from.. yup from the guys that people do not seemed to care about.. the street people.. i came from there.. that are categorized as below normal standard.. people that will be always remain as they are .. no improvement expected
jaketbiru remind me of from where i came from.. yup from the guys that people do not seemed to care about.. the street people.. i came from there.. that are categorized as below normal standard.. people that will be always remain as they are .. no improvement expected
Lum.... hehehehehe...
Kat gambar 1 & 2 tu dorang nak buat apa ngan barang dapur banyak-banyak tu, ek?? Kalau masak pun, boleh abis ke ngan sekali makan...??
erk erk erkk....jap lg arr byar ek...ermmmmmmm....tuh nak makan ker mentekedarah...astagfirullah....
zakat pendapatan bayar secara potongan gaji nide....zakat fitrah belum lagi....ehmmmm....
bersyukur dengan apa sahaja kurniaan dari Ilahi.....
Syukur alhamdulillah dengan rezeki Allah, walaupun tidak mewah tapi tidak pula kebuluran :)
Zakat fitrah, cik abang yang bayo.
indera... (kapan ke mari???)
selera besar kerana melayan nafsu..
cuba perhatikan.. tak silap nide ada daging golek tapir di situ...
resit zakat fitrah boleh klaim income tax..
bila nak buat jamuan buka puasa ek.. serdang - kajang dekat jer.. jemput ek
((serdang ker..????))
zakat fitrah..tunggu nak raya baru bayar
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