Friday, January 26, 2007

.... ampun tuanku...silap patik

this is what i have to wear during my lunch with DYMM Sultan Pahang..

someone point out my mistake on my last blog of the salutation used.. i wont correct it as a reminder to me of the mistake that i shouldnt done in the 1st place..


~ GAB ~ said...

What salutation? What mistake? What makes you so adamanat not to have it corrected? Care to enlighten me on those?

Wah... nice to have lunch with the king. The closest I get was having lunch with Tengku Siri Tengku Kuning those days. Nothing to shout NIDE, he was my friend and nothing to do with istana. He was selling burger in Taman Medan in 1990's. wahahaha Salam

jaketbiru said...

hehehe gab... i hope i can remember all the mistake that had been done.. for me correcting mistake although is a must but it show how incompetency i am of creating one..

the present Agong.. trained in Officer Cadet School in Sebatang Kara PD almost at the same time with me.. i know him very very well..

((but not sure if he remember me.. heheheheh))

m i n e r a l . . . said...

u r really marvellous bro with that great uniform... im always respect people who respect their other word 'responsibility'