Tuesday, June 03, 2008


nide terbaca satu komen yang dibuat di www.chedet.com oleh seorang bloggers bernama sarah.. dan nide rasa semua orang patut membacanya.. sebagai pengajaran dan kesedaran terhadap apa yang dinamakan isu perkauman...

I have been reading this blog for quite a while and everything written here simply made sense. I am just a student who is studying abroad. Back then when I was a small kid, I wonder why must there be malay, indian and chinese. I thought wouldn't it be better if we are united together and not being labelled by our race. Boy was I naive.I studied in a school with a combination of malay + indian and chinese environment. I was in a most top class, where I was one of the few Malays in it. But yet at that time, I didn't realize that my race is actually lagging behind compared to other races. But in my school, every student respect each other and we never regard race as a big matter. It was a harmonious environment where people respect each other, where malay will criticize other malays who don't want to share drinks with other non-malays and vice versa.

But as I grow up, I realize that real world (translation:after high school) is far from that. Scenario no.1: WHen i entered pure science stream in Form 4, my Chinese teacher bluntly asked me on my first day in class: "Do you really want to study in pure science stream?. I think you're better off studying art stream or maybe accountancy." Yet, I thought she asked that because to some extent I was a playful kid. I mean, I succeeded in my PMR with excellent results and I earned to be in the top class so what makes her think that I am not capable of handling pure science stream for my SPM. Now come to think of it, was it because she thinks Im a Malay so I couldn't possibly be in a science stream or was it because I am a Malay that I MUST NOT be in the pure science stream for reason god knows why. The question still remains till now, because part of me still want to think the best out of my teacher. Of course I did fairly excellent in my SPM (8As) and studying medicine abroad now (without government scholarship).

Here in the place where I am studying, I met with the non Malays who are with different mentality from the ones in school that I went. They don't even know how to sing the National Anthem properly. They dont even know the Rukun Negara. Especially those who come from the Jenis Kebangsaan school. I asked one of my friends why doesnt she memorize the National Anthem as we sing it everyday during school days back then? Her reply, "Yeah but when we sing I just aa oo aa oo pretended to sing but I dont even know the lyrics". Okay. Maybe this is not as close as that kid in Taiwan who did his own remix version of Negaraku and disgraced our National Anthem. And you want to talk about Malaysian Malaysia?

When we (malays + non malays) are in a group discussing about something and this particular race will start discussing in their own language (not malay or English) which obviously we Malays couldn't understand. When I asked, why can't you speak in English or Malay. They replied, " why can't we talk in our language when you can talk in your language in front of us". I said its because you can understand both English AND Malay! And yet you want to talk about Malaysian Malaysia?

We were discussing about politics in malaysia and one of my non-Malay friend started to question about the scholarships quota. She asked "why the Malays always have special this and special that. My results are okay but why didnt I get a scholarship." I said probably because a lot of Non Malays cabut lari to other countries and will not serve the government when the work later on:. She said "Ya la, if me also I will go somewhere to work later on" Government give so little money. Theory proven in front of my hypermetropic eyes!. And yet you want talk about Malaysian Malaysia?

I have never been a racist before. But as I grow up, i realize that there will NEVER be an IDEAL world. If I want my race to be equally successful to other races, because in real world, there will be other 'racist' people who will help their own race. If that is the case (helping out your own people) is considered being a racist, then maybe I don't mind being called a one.

Energy (seorang bloggers lain yang memebuat komen negatif), you said Malaysian chinese have suffered enough. But in a private sector especially, we Malays are being treated unequally. Its hard for the Malays to be promoted and usually Malays are being used as the frontmens for purposes when dealing with the government. (To get project approval la what else.). I have worked part time in a very big company and it really open up my eyes that the world is not as ideal I thought it was. I was naive, naive, naive!

The only difference here is, we the origins have always been careful of what we said, up till these days when we (I at least) have realized that if we keep on silencing ourselves, then maybe, Malaysia will be the South East Sri Lanka (or the new Singapore) in the future. So much for being equal. If you really want to be equal, are you willing to give up your native language and use Malay as ur first language and English as your second daily language?. Are you willing to give up your Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan or work for the government and serve the people in Malaysia after you have completed your education? Why are we being called racist when we are trying to protect our rights?. This is OUR land. And we KNOW our RIGHTs!. We don't want our future to be like the Aborigines in Australia or like the Red Indians in America, or like the native Irish / "Dol" in Ireland.

To my fellow Malays, please. These scenarios nowadays are perfect examples of "Dah bagi betis, peha pula diminta". Did we Malays ever for example see a non Malay on a street and start throwing rocks at them?. Did we by any chance deprive any other races with our "Ketuanan Melayu" when in fact in real life we ourselves are sometimes being deprived by other races especially in professional and economic wise. Go to Petaling street or Sungai Wang, and lets see how much discount you can get and compare it if you are a chinese. But yet, you call us racist.Point one finger to others and 4 other fingers are pointing back at you!. Enough is enough people. Its time for the 'bangsa yang lemah lembut dan bertatabahasa" to be critical and defend and most importantly KNOW their rights.

Oh by the way, I write it in English so that any BM incompetent fellas (most importantly the ones who are all out for Malaysian Malaysia but dont know single word of BM) out there can understand.
May 31, 2008 5:00 AM


Butaseni@Wan Raja said...

united?it will never be.never,ever.

siapa yang nak beralah?kita?diorang?boleh?

jaketbiru said...


tak miskin pun bangsa asing kalau orang melayu kaya dan diberi subsidi...
tak hilang peluang pun penuntut bangsa asing kalau penuntut melayu diberi kouta...

cuma dia orang tamak jer...

Anonymous said...

jgn smpi ayam di kepuk mati kelaparan,itik di air mati kehausan

kera di hutan disusukan...err betul ke ni nide wakakakka

jaketbiru said...


camner tak mati..
padi di kepuk made in china...
air di kolam apek punya..
susu pun bukan made in melayu...

jaketbiru said...

p/s nak tolong ayam dan itik.. asyik gaduh sama sendiri

m i n e r a l . . . said...

doa usaha tawakal...
bersatu teguh bercerai kawin lain...kekkeke tu pun kalau brg still ok.

[pls read from different way]

jaketbiru said...


aminnn... aminnn
moga terus jujur pemerintah kita..