p/s... cahaya juga yang sering menjadikan mata nide sepet.. hanya di waktu malam jer mata yang cantik ni dapat di rakam kannn..... (((((((((woiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... jangan muntah kat sini woiiiii ..)))))
jaketbiru remind me of from where i came from.. yup from the guys that people do not seemed to care about.. the street people.. i came from there.. that are categorized as below normal standard.. people that will be always remain as they are .. no improvement expected
jaketbiru remind me of from where i came from.. yup from the guys that people do not seemed to care about.. the street people.. i came from there.. that are categorized as below normal standard.. people that will be always remain as they are .. no improvement expected
nota kaki...
i bukan berada di nite club ok..
cam anak aku je tu....
tima kasih kat aku...cpt2..tima kasihh....hehehhe lawa2..mcm aku kan kann kann...
Cahaya Ramadhan pun dah tiba ;)
Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak, selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa :)
erkkkkkk...im speechless
cun ek.. model cilik i..
terima kasih.. pandai ko.. jadikan nide hensem.. hehehehehe
salam bunga rampai...
salam ramadan juga utk semua..
jgn jeles.. memang nide hensem.. TQ
sent kat d5 pic nide yang hensem tu :)
hensem ker??.. hensem ker nide??
p/s copy jer laaa.. pastu paste..
ermm...relatif nide ensem tuh.
TQ err...tp nk nide gak bagi kekekke
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