sometime terasa juga nak tegur higher management tentang our main objectives yang terasa diabaikan.. terasa ke bz an sekarang lebih tertumpu kepada aktiviti yang tak masuk langsung lane objectives.. tapi nanti di katakan rebelious lak.... how am i to managed the air traffic squadron when my time is taken up by 4 to 5 hours meeting???.. dari pagi beb kul 8 sampai kul 1 tengahari.. bincang pasal kontraktor potong rumput... bumbung bocor.. lampu tak hidup kat jalan.. sampah tak angkat.. visitor luar nak datang melawat... bilik vip.. dan all the thing that remeh-remeh
yang tak tahan tu.... leh kata everyday meeting..tak pagi.. petang.. pastu sukan compusary.. pastu aktiviti malam di wisma.. ((sila arahkan your controller datang ..kehadiran diambil))..... wooiiyoooo sapa nak control kapalterbang nihh??????... hari minggu meh ler ganti controller i kerja.. meh ler ganti controller i masa cuti hari raya... meh ler.. we worked 24 hrs per day ok... 7 days a week..
Rosh!!! your sqn attendence is very poor...yes sir i know.. they are working... off shift is a duty also sir... we are dealing with human life.. therefore rest is also a duty sir... i am not willing to answer if any accident cause by human error due to lack of rest..
and u know we are working at 40% strength... but the service provided still maintained at 100%.... aduhai.. kalau ler boleh jawab gitu kan best...
camner erk... ni kena buat management by remote control ler... hehehehe,
things to be done..
competency check to all controller
review of training syllbus
Questions bank
review of standard operating procedure
review of unit operating instruction
continuation training
menembak untuk semua anggota..
Search and Rescue training guide
dan.. lagi.. lagi
SMS safety management system
airfield maintance.. runway .. everything
nak nangis dah nihhh...